You know if you are struggling with your horse I can help. I have spent a lifetime learning, researching and trying different methods so I believe I can save you some time and money going down wrong paths. In this series of 3 clinics I would like help you build a solid foundation. A horse that is easy to catch and happily wants to come play with you. Stands calmly to be saddled or at the float or in the arena with you. Knows how to emotionally regulate and easily comes back to you after getting a fright, is better prepared for the competition or trail riding environment. Loads easily into your float and is on the way to being a solid partner for you.
Does that sound like a horse you would want to have around?
So often we get busy in our lives fitting in work, home life, friends etc and riding or spending time with your horse just becomes one more thing that you need to “fit in” your busy day. So we jump on and just want to ride our horse and enjoy ourselves forgetting that there is a whole lot of foundation work that just hasn’t happened and then we expect it all to go beautifully. Often times left disappointed and frustrated at what was supposed to be fun.
I really want to help you know the steps to help bring back the fun and relationship you want with your horse so I am running a summer series aimed at doing just that.
The dates are November 10/11, December 9/10 and January 19/20.
Bonus, if you book for all 3 there will be substantial savings for you.
Go to this link for the first clinic and said me a message if you want to book for all 3 and get a discount.